A Journey We Are Not Excited About

We’re off on safari! I am not sure what kind of internet connection we will have, so I have set up a few posts to go live while we are away. These posts answer questions that friends and readers have asked about our journey. We’ll have updates from Namibia soon.

Isn’t it hard to fly with two kids?

I am sure it could be if the kids don’t like to fly. It has been a month since we have been on a plane and the kids are getting anxious. Every time Kayan sees a plane he asks, “Why we no go plane?” Ava says she wants to know which plane is taking us to Namibia. As you read this, the kids are getting what they wished for. We are on our longest journey so far. Getting from Athens to Windhoek, Namibia is an overnight affair that involves three flights over 6,648 miles.

We have left Athens on a four and a half hour flight to Abu Dhabi. There we hope to make our two hour connection and board an eight and a half hour flight to Johannesburg. We arrive in Johannesburg at the crack of dawn and cool our heels for five hours before boarding our final flight, a two hour stretch to Windhoek.

The kids have been great flying companions. We find endless ways to amuse ourselves at airports.

They sleep a lot. When awake, they have a voracious appetite for airline food. They like the freedom of channel surfing on their personal TVs and enjoy cruising the aisles in search of bored children. However, we have yet to brave a twenty two hour journey with them. I wrote about 7 Tips for Flying with Young Kids for Huffington Post. However, despite all the flights we have taken thus far, somehow this one seems intimidating. We’ll report back from Africa.


Filed under Travel With Kids

8 Responses to A Journey We Are Not Excited About

  1. Michelle Lynch

    Wishing you all a safe trip to Africa!

  2. Appappa

    “cruising the aisles in search of bored children.” sounds like someone else I know quite well.

    • Diya

      Haha. Even though you have visited us in a few places you have yet to take a flight with us. Now that’s an experience.

  3. I hope it went well. I remember beiing so nervous on our 35 hour stretch but amazingly the kids did perfectly fine!

    • Diya

      They were fabulous! I think we as parents always worry more than we need to, right? And the fact is that they always do better than us anyway!

  4. Best of luck on this leg of the journey. Very excited to hear about your African travels. My two love the plane too, the food, the entertainment the fact that there will be no homework!

    • Diya

      That’s too cute. The journey went really well. The kids were the happiest with the gifts from the air hostess. Kayan said, “Thank you lady.” Not sure where he learnt that from!

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