Stuff We Won’t Miss

Three exhausting days of packing done. Here are some things we found lurking in our apartment that we definitely won’t miss.

– Six used toothbrushes, none of which are ours
– A twelve piece ceramic tea set
– About a dozen tupperware containers with no lids
– Three half full bottles of children’s ibuprofen
– One expired bottle of children’s ibuprofen
– A maternity suit jacket, without its companion pant
– Two gloves that don’t belong to each other
– Four cell phone chargers that don’t fit either of our phones
– Enough hair accessories to keep Ava uniquely styled every day of the year

Ava's Hairware

Even in the smallest of apartments, most of us are privileged to be surrounded by things we ignore. Given that we are packing light, it will be a change for us to be in a position where we appreciate everything we have.

What stuff are you ignoring in your home?


Filed under Pre-Trip

2 Responses to Stuff We Won’t Miss

  1. Jolie Frank

    Diya… great site! Hey I was hoping that this adventure would expand Ava’s accessory wardrobe… she clearly has plenty of hair clips so perhaps you can work on her shoe and handbag collection? Miss you!

    • Diya

      I told her she could buy 1 thing from every city. In Hong Kong she decided on a cupcake hairclip. I’ll have a chat with her about diversifying into other accessories!

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